Parent Association


Welcome to the 2024-25 Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy Parent Association!

The HTEA Parent Association (PA) strives to foster and support our HTEA community by coordinating a variety of activities, events, and contributions.  We could not accomplish this mission without the generous support of HTEA families and the school community.

The PA hosts several fantastic Lower School Annual events such as:  
Family Bingo
Grandparents Day
Ladies Bingo Night
Holiday Movie Night
Veterans Day Celebration
The Father Daughter Dance
Teacher Appreciation Week
Fundraising from PA events support valuable contributions including past items such as:
Classroom iPads
Teacher Wish Lists
Campus Security Fence
Classroom Smart Boards
2023 Library Renovations
New Playground Equipment
Front Entrance Electric Sign
Basketball Court Sunshade Cover 
2022 & 2023 Security Enhancements
Monthly Snacks for the Staff Break Room

2024 – 2025 HTEA PA Board Members
Co-Presidents - Angela Lamb & Sara Moallem-Wood
Co-Vice Presidents - Tara Steele and Monica Shah
Co-Treasurers - Mica Layne and Keturah Hughes 
Co-Volunteer Coordinators - John Fontaine and Emily Kornek
Co-Homeroom Parent Coordinator - Charise Mormile and Aileen Clarke
Co-Hospitality Chairs - Megan Ayers and Bryon O'Neal
Secretary - Jennifer Miles
Past President - Mica Layne

Thank you for your support! 

PA Contributions to HTEA include:

New Sunshade for the Lower School Basketball Court.

Monthly munchies for faculty and staff in August and May (September - April are coordinated through Homeroom Parents).
Holy Trinity seal
1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.473.9777

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.421.0211
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