Junior High School

At all times, but especially during Junior High, a safe and supportive learning environment allows all students to achieve their best. At HT students, administration, staff, and faculty, along with parents, are committed to working together. In order to achieve this goal, a variety of opportunities are offered for students within the school community in both academic and non-academic areas.

Junior High offers a comprehensive and varied, yet individualized, curriculum. Each seventh and eighth grader takes a full year of core classes in mathematics, science, English, and social sciences. Both physical and health education are integral to the junior high program. Elective classes in art, drama, orchestra, band, percussion, concert choir, foreign languages, writing enrichment, science research and engineering/computer programming are also offered. Many students enjoy more advanced courses in other disciplines as well. A seamless, integrated curricular strategy enhances the academic path for each student.

Additional features of our outstanding Junior High program:

  • Dynamic and nurturing faculty organized as grade level teams to facilitate learning across the curriculum
  • Leadership focused on the diverse and dynamic needs of junior high students
  • Academic coaching and advising, peer tutoring and counseling that enhance student engagement
  • Family and parent conferences to foster development of the “whole child”
  • Field studies designed and carefully planned each year to  support and enhance our curriculum in Science, English and Social Studies.
  • Retreats designed to develop Leadership, Team Building and College/Career Awareness
  • Clubs specifically designed to broaden and enrich interests such as Speech and Debate, Student Government, Robotics and the Environmental Club
  • Fun and engaging chaperoned social activities including “game nights,” Homecoming, Spring Dance, and athletic opportunities.

High School Prep

Many students begin taking high school credit courses in the 8th grade and are required to be enrolled in seven classes each year. As a result, students may earn 30 or more credit hours during grades eight through twelve. Further, our classrooms, studios, science labs, and computer laboratories are well equipped technologically to meet the demands of a diversified, rigorous curriculum and assist in meeting the needs of diverse learning styles.

Holy Trinity's academic program helps students connect their junior high experiences to their daily lives, assisting them in making informed and sound choices.

    • Students in Junior High english at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity seal
1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.473.9777

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.421.0211
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