Start Here. Go Anywhere.

At Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, our experienced and highly qualified administration and faculty create an atmosphere that instills a lifelong love of learning, combining a challenging college-preparatory curriculum with a supportive and nurturing environment. We combine traditional teaching methods with modern approaches to learning, providing students with a strong foundation of knowledge along with the adaptability and skills to navigate our frequently changing, technology-based world. 

Whole Child Education

Holy Trinity students have all the benefits of accelerated learning without the pressures that often accompany it. Daily Episcopal chapel service, robust offerings in the arts and athletics, as well as extracurricular activities develop and nurture the whole child – mind, body and spirit. Our students are empowered to reach their fullest potential, while developing a confidence that will endure throughout their lives.

Among our students' academic accomplishments:

  • 100% of graduates are accepted to college.
  • 94% of grads from 2012-2016 attend a four-year university.
  • 2016's top 20 graduates earned between 15 and 20 college credits through Advanced Placement (AP) courses before leaving high school.
  • At least 95% of high school students enroll in at least one AP course.
  • Holy Trinity's pass rate for AP exams is 81%. The national average is 59%.
  • Elementary school students consistently rank higher than Florida and national averages in Stanford 10 achievement tests.
  • More than 50% of sixth grade students rank in the Top 5% of the nation according to the Duke University Talent Identification Program. 
  • Based on 2015 Star Reading and Math scores, more than half of elementary school students are more than one grade level ahead in reading and math.

Holy Trinity seal
1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.473.9777

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.421.0211
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