Spiritual Development

We value all of God’s children as sacred. We blend this understanding into all aspects of our school life; in study, self-expression, athletics and service to others. Our Episcopal school identity is not limiting; it opens us to all kinds of faith perspectives; thus, our varied conversations and spiritual expressions are rich, diverse and articulated with tolerance and understanding. 


Worship at Holy Trinity is a regular part of school life for all students and faculty. School families are welcome to attend.

Character Education

Character Education is reinforced throughout all aspects of school life with the goal of students assuming responsibility for their own behavior and learning.

Learned values from the Character Education Program are put into action through participation in outreach programs that support a variety of community needs and address issues affecting the most needy of our world’s population. Service learning encourages students to develop an enthusiasm for serving their local communities, as well as the addressing global needs. Many projects have led to connections that not only continue through college but turn into jobs or internships. Holy Trinity graduates are engaged citizens who will make a difference in our ever changing world.

School Chapel Services

Early Childhood (PS-K)

Chapel is incorporated into the individual classroom four days a week, with a weekly gathering of the entire Early Childhood community in the historic chapel for Bible lessons taught by Rev. Garcia Barnswell-Schmidt.

Elementary School (1st – 6th grade)

Students start their day actively involved in worship services in roles such as readers, leaders of prayer and acolytes. Services are led by Rev. Garcia Barnswell-Schmidt. Twenty minute Chapel services are held four days a week in the church sanctuary. Holy Eucharist, which is also known as Communion, is celebrated monthly.

Upper School (7th – 12th grade)

A 15-minute Chapel service is held mid-morning three days a week, with Holy Eucharist celebrated one time per month in the Scott Family Center for Worship and the Performing Arts. Students of all grades are encouraged to use their leadership, reading, musical, artistic, drama, public speaking, and other God-given gifts in our worship ministry.

Pastoral Care

List of 1 items.

    • Lower School students in processional at chapel

Whether you are dealing with a moral or ethical dilemma, a loss or illness, need a listening ear and prayer, or want to know more about Jesus, our chaplain is available at 321-723-8323. In addition to pastoral counseling, our chaplain can also make hospital visits to students and their families, and faculty and staff of HTEA.

Church Services

To learn more about our founding parish, visit www.holytrinitymelbourne.org or call 321-723-5272.

Rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church: The Rev. Tom Phillips
Holy Trinity seal
1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.473.9777

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.421.0211
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