College & Beyond

College & Academic Advising

Welcome to the Office of College and Academic Advising!

The College and Academic Advising program at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy is designed to assist students and parents in the process of researching and applying to colleges. Helping to create a bridge from the high school experience to college, and eventually a career, the college counseling staff provide opportunities throughout high school to proceed down this road. Emphasis is placed on identifying personal strengths and interests, developing reasonable expectations and submitting applications that are a true reflection of each individual student.

College Representatives 

Are you a college representative interested in visiting our campus and speaking to our students? Sign up online at Scoir.

Upcoming Events

List of 3 events.

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Expert Guidance at Every Stage

List of 4 items.

  • Grade 9

    Career interest and exploration, personal development, goal-setting and foundation, leadership, and extracurricular strategy
    • Attend High School 101 presentation
    • PSAT testing
    • Attend Rising Sophomore Course Selection Workshop
    • Curriculum Planning
  • Grade 10

    Career exploration and assessment, resume development, curriculum development, interview skills, college exploration
    • PSAT testing
    • Attend Rising Junior Course Selection Workshop
    • Draft your resume through your English class and College Planning and Advising Day
    • Attend the HT college “field trip” to experience a campus visit with the College Office staff
  • Grade 11

    Exploring careers and college majors, researching colleges, writing essays and resumes, and interview skills
    • PSAT testing
    • Attend sessions with college admission representatives who visit Holy Trinity
    • Meet with your College Advisor to review college application plan
      Attend Rising Senior Course Selection Workshop
    • Take SAT, ACT and AP exams (if applicable)
    • Attend resume workshops
    • Attend college fairs
  • Grade 12

    College applications, essays, scholarships, college decision-making, and campus life
    • Attend Senior Workshop
    • Attend family conference with an HT College Advisor
    • Attend sessions with college admission representatives who visit Holy Trinity
    • College applications
    • Apply to Florida Bright Futures
    • Take SAT, ACT, and AP exams (if applicable)
    • Scholarship search/applications

Decision Day: An Annual Tradition

Our Class of 2024

  • 91 graduates
  • 100% accepted to college
  • Attending 52 different colleges
  • 94% to attend a four-year college and 6% to attend a two-year college
  • 51% to attend college in Florida and 49% to attend college out-of-state
  • 2 of the 8 Ivy League universities admitted at least one Class of 2024 senior
  • 6 National Merit Scholar finalists and 1 National Merit Scholarship recipients
  • 63% qualified for Bright Future Scholarships
  • 12,625 community service hours completed by Class of 2024

Where Our Graduates Go

Holy Trinity Alumni Spotlight

Meet Our Advisors

List of 5 items.

Holy Trinity seal
1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.473.9777

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.421.0211
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