Holy trinity episcopal academy

Mrs. Franco

Upper School Media Specialist
College: B.A., Elementary Education, University of South Florida; M.A., Instructional Technology/Educational Meda, University of Central Florida

Career: Mrs. Franco began her career teaching 7th grade English/Language Arts in Zephyrhills, Florida. She then moved to Brevard County where she has been a classroom teacher, Elementary Media Specialist (K-6) and Secondary Media Specialist (7-12).

How do you envision helping students live the “Start Here. Go Anywhere.” motto?
Students who actively read and research can be successful “here” at Holy Trinity and “anywhere” in their future college and career. Knowing how to use books and resources to find information is one of the most important skills someone can acquire in life. As the Holy Trinity Resource Specialist/Librarian, I will be available to help students find the books and online resources to meet their educational goals.

“Intelligence is not the ability to store Information, but to know where to find it” - Albert Einstein
Holy Trinity seal
1720 Peachtree St., Melbourne, FL 32901
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.473.9777

5625 Holy Trinity Dr., Melbourne, FL 32940
P: 321.723.8323 | F: 321.421.0211
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